Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Life at 48 ending soon

 Currently, my life at late 48 will soon become 49, just two and half months left to be on my ending of days of forties soon. I am living with my wife and a son in an old home where we found peace from noises, heartaches, jealousy, and fear. I should say " fear" because  I am afraid of things that could damage my wife and a only son. They were so much troubled in where we left to stay. It has been now 2 years or more living here in the old home. At last, we are feeling peace, there is no doubt about it.

I'm concerned about my body weights which is 95 kg at this age. I don't feel heavy still but this is getting too much. I need to cut down foods or change the pattern of eating habits. Does the weight increased because I am happy and content? I really don't know this. My daily movements are fine. 

Last months on March, one of my old school friend visited my house and suggested to exercise as he advised and demonstrated some moving legs exercises to me on his visit. He is a physiotherapist by profession. It was his second visit to me ever in life time. When I did his exercises, I felt little relief on movements. I should continue to do it. He suggested to do whenever it's easy for me to do and don't strain and make an obligation. This is the way as he suggested.

This year of English calender, I graduated finally my Masters. Hoping to continue study on my pace and climb the ladder up what comes next. My second thoughts suggested me to learn yet another foreign language for my own benefits. I should make a try at least, lets see. I would like to make contacts with foreigners and talk to them which I like most doing this. I don't know why. May be I am searching for something in them. "Searching and Searching." The search never ends? I feel the world is so big and full of opportunities. The only thing I need is the right person. Believe me or not but it is true in case of me. A very true. Even I succeeded to take a tour guide licence for the service of them lol. 

Basically I think to meet an foreigner I guess. But I am not yet able to find a single tourist to attract once I get the licence. This is getting too good to be true lol. You can't tell everything to everybody. I should know this. My approach to everyone is very similar and equal. By this way, I am a very simple man, I feel. I can't hide, this is my true nature I guess.

My future projection has to be clear as I have very less times left to step on 50s. The journey continues. Today is May day and I feel like writing on my blog again. Thanks for everything. Until next time. See you!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Life's Age 47

 The state of Age 47

On medication continues. The doses of hypertension medication added. Cholesterol medication intact. No regular exercise as such. Activity intact. Standing hours decreased of the day. If long hours activities in a day initiates dullness in mind and induces sleep. After sleep freshers, activity continues. 
The body weight has increased to 95 kg. Walking hours decreased. Travel by car mostly. Regular eat out continues. Sound sleep intact. The state of mind normal. Motivation level on average. The fear of future decreased. Looking for a new beginning continues. The ability to hard work decreased. Financial freedom checked right. The ability to focus on reading and writing somewhat decreased. Reading and writing hours decreased significantly. Learning new primarily focus on finances and earnings. Ability to create words decreased - revision needed urgently. Ability to write with creation of words significantly decreased. That might reflect to speaking? The ability to speak creatively intact.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Life has turned I suppose interesting or boring.

Life has turned I suppose interesting or boring. I don’t know –it’s kind of interesting in the sense, I am feeling energetic. This is the basic that I need to move on; I know some of you say “ One love”. It’s good for you. For me, I think, at this age – not that way. I have some vague purposes and I haven’t yet taken it seriously. When will you take it seriously? I would like to question myself at the early age of 40s. Still, life is going on as it is the way I want.

Seriously, I know what to do. I know the strategy to follow. I don’t know what I am waiting for. Maybe the right time to start? My procrastination still continues. I want to gather up strengths that don’t just befall all at the same time. Silly me? I think I have no utmost desire to do what I want.  If I do, what I want, this may hamper my family? Or I am fearful of a new situation in my life. Yes, Adventurous I should be by doing that. What is that thing that I want to do? Am I clear? Yep, Clarity is required.

Wondering Typhoon! That’s something required to do for what I want. In the long run, I am going to see and feel good for what I will have done. I am sure, that doesn’t stop there. I think it will stop there – The end. The two-minds just come up and duality begins, Ufff. Though this, I am enjoying myself. I like being like this. There is no surety of anything that exists except the sunrise in the east and set in the west. What a life!!

You need a break. Go for a break. Treat yourself but I do this always. What else I need again? The beginning doesn’t begin there and it is a never-ending loop of thoughts! Alas! Procrastinations – how can I win? How can I continue to exist? Frankly, I haven’t yet thought about the future self of being myself that how will be my life at the age of 60 or 70s. Come on that’s tooo far, how about 55?

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Tug of war within me and my outside territory with surroundings.

Alas~ what a life so far. Struggling inside and with the outside forces - push and pull. Yeah, I am alive!

I see the tug of war between Rich vs Poor. I can't define this in that way because In what ways we can say he is rich or he is poor? Solely on economic terms? Yuck! what an attitude! That's an ugly way to interpret if he has a car in the family - then he is rich! What a ridiculous statement is this.

I define prosperity in the following ways.

If you have access to the resources, then you are rich.
If you are happy today, then you are rich.
If you have enough foods to eat and enough water to drink then you are rich.
If you have clean, safe clothes to wear, then you are rich.
If you don't have to live in dirty places, then you are rich.
If you are capable to change your situation, then you are rich.
If you are self-reliant and independent then you are rich.
If you can do what you want, then you are rich.
If you are free to do in your life whatever you desire, then you are rich enough to live.

So, the question is nowadays of equality. The gap between rich vs poor. Can you imagine those living in a lofty and beautiful house, are they have all those mentioned above? I think, 50% could be still under poverty.

There are extreme outside for those who even struggle for a roti a day. Are those exist today in Kathmandu Valley? They need to be addressed. Especially girls who have their own struggling as they grow up into adolescence. But let's not ignore boys in this case as well.

Personally, I feel struggling with the people for those in the name of the minority, they want to use the whole piece of cake. I felt second class in front of them. There are men who can't speak up for their rights because the image of women empowerment and image are largely in the screen of society.
We the men support women, and vice versa. Equality begins this way. No, any other ways.